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Douglas James Troxell
Author of Post Apocalyptic and Dystopian Fiction

Douglas James Troxell
Dec 29, 20205 min read
Troxellian Literature Awards 2k20 (Pandemic Version)
Welcome to the Pandemic Version of the Troxellian Literary Awards!!1 It's pretty much the same awards post I do every December ... BUT...

Douglas James Troxell
May 29, 20203 min read
I Hate you, James Joyce! or "The Value of Reading Classic Authors You Despise"
I’ve read James Joyce’s short story “Araby” three times in my life. I hated it every single time. The first time was in high school. I...

Douglas James Troxell
Apr 17, 20205 min read
Lessons I Learned From Writing for 10,000 Hours
These are six important lessons I learned from writing for 10,000 hours.

Douglas James Troxell
Sep 26, 20193 min read
Dear George R.R. Martin
Dear George R.R. Martin: I’ve done it, George. In less than six months, I have consumed all the Game of Thrones (Got) main storyline...
Douglas James Troxell
Jul 11, 20162 min read
Literary Badge of Honor: Lord of the Rings
I've completed one of the great literary journeys in nerd literature. I just finished reading The Hobbit and the entire Lord of the Rings...
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