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Douglas James Troxell
Author of Post Apocalyptic and Dystopian Fiction

Douglas James Troxell
Mar 14, 20223 min read
Six Lessons We Learned from the Pandemic
Happy Two-Year Pandemic Anniversary! Two years ago, the lives of every single American changed as our nation joined the global pandemic...

Douglas James Troxell
Feb 1, 20222 min read
Book Burning is Back in Fashion
“You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” - Ray Bradbury Grab your...

Douglas James Troxell
Oct 1, 20213 min read
America - Land of the Dum #3: Dance, Monkey, Dance
Note: This blog post is the third and final in a series of posts exploring America's downward spiral into stupidity that will attempt to...

Douglas James Troxell
Aug 21, 20213 min read
America - Land of the Dum #2: iDum-E
*Note: This blog post is the second in a series of posts exploring America's downward spiral into stupidity that will attempt to explain...

Douglas James Troxell
Jul 28, 20213 min read
America - Land of the Dum #1: Dumb by Design
*Note: This blog post is the first in a series of posts exploring America's downward spiral into stupidity that will attempt to explain...

Douglas James Troxell
Jul 1, 20211 min read
America: The Land of the Dumb
America is dumb. We are the richest country with an abundance of resources and the most advanced technology ... and we're still a dumb,...

Douglas James Troxell
Jan 22, 20214 min read
5 Things We learned From Donald Trump's Presidency
Well, we made it. We persevered. We survived ... but just barely. We learned a lot about America over the past four years with Donald...

Douglas James Troxell
Oct 1, 20203 min read
5 Common Problems with Indie Books
As an indie author, I've been reading more indie books over the past year. While I've found several hidden gems, I've also discovered why...

Douglas James Troxell
Sep 26, 20193 min read
Dear George R.R. Martin
Dear George R.R. Martin: I’ve done it, George. In less than six months, I have consumed all the Game of Thrones (Got) main storyline...
Douglas James Troxell
May 1, 20193 min read
Late to the Party
I always show up late to a party. There is nothing sadder than the start of a shindig. The conversations are awkward, there's the...

Douglas James Troxell
Mar 25, 20194 min read
The Six Annoying People You Meet at Disney (Part II)
Just like most successful Disney movies, my blog post on "The Six Annoying People You Meet at Disney" is getting a sequel! Of course,...

Douglas James Troxell
Mar 14, 20194 min read
The Six Annoying People You Meet at Disney (Part I)
Disney World is the most magical place on Planet Earth...if by "magical" you mean crowded and rage-inducing. My familia and I recently...
Douglas James Troxell
Aug 1, 20183 min read
The Appropriation of Nerd Culture
The Internet Age is the best of times to be a pop culture nerd and the worst of times to be a pop culture nerd (That will be my one and...
Douglas James Troxell
Feb 28, 20182 min read
The Problem with Boys
There’s been a lot of discussion in the wake of the Florida Parkland school shooting ranging from gun control to mental illness to arming...
Douglas James Troxell
Dec 1, 20172 min read
When Reality and Fiction Collide...and Fiction Loses.
It's tough to be a writer in the modern world. A writer's job is that of creator, innovator, world-builder. But what happens when reality...
Douglas James Troxell
Sep 26, 20172 min read
The illusion of Free Speech
If you told me five years ago that millionaire athletes kneeling during a song would become a symbol of First Amendment rights in...
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